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* This information was provided by Tyco Fire Products LP and may contain additional information outside the scope of this Claim Verification.
TY7158 Upright K=16.8 Sprinkler, TY7258 Recessed Pendent K=16.8 Sprinkler
Fire Test Performance Characteristics Verified
Fire test performance characteristics have been verified as related to specific end use applications in existing facilities (retrofit) in accordance with the test report designated as “Report of a Special Services Investigation Involving K16.8 gpm/(psi)1/2 Upright and Pendent Sprinkler Protection of a Shelf Display and Rack Storage Arrangement of Cartoned, Unexpanded Group A Plastic” dated February 7, 2018. This test report is available by clicking here: Test Report The sprinkler constructions subjected to the fire tests have been placed under UL surveillance with periodic audits of production. Key test parameters described in the test report include, but not limited to, the following: 1. Storage or retail display configuration 2. Test commodity 3. Aisle width 4. Storage height 5. Ceiling height 6. Sprinkler discharge and response characteristics 7. Sprinkler test pressure 8. Sprinkler spacing Key test results described in the test report include, but not limited to, the following: 1. Test duration 2. Number of operated sprinklers 3. Gas temperatures above ignition 4. Steel temperature above ignition 5. Travel of fire across the aisle or to the extremities of the array A brief description of the test configuration and the number of fire tests conducted for each sprinkler are as follows: FOR NOMINAL K=16.8 PENDENT SPRINKLER: Five large-scale fire tests shall be conducted. The ceiling configuration shall consist of a 76 x 76-ft or larger soft tile ceiling/grid assembly suspended below a moveable ceiling. For all tests, the distance from the suspended ceiling assembly to the floor shall be 14-ft. The sprinklers shall be supplied through a looped piping system consisting of 2 ½-in. diameter branch lines and 1 in. drops to the recessed sprinklers with a 14 x 10 ft. sprinkler spacing. The piping system shall be supplied by a variable speed pump capable of supplying an adequate pressure and flow to maintain the required applied flowing pressure throughout the course of the test series. A steel, back-to-back shelving arrangement is to be positioned in a two aisle; three-row arrangement with the center of the middle row positioned under four sprinklers. The main shelving array shall be a nominal 52-ft long steel back-to-back shelf run without end caps. The target shelving array shall consist of two nominal 28-ft. long back-to-back shelf runs without end caps positioned across a 5-ft aisle space. The steel back-to-back shelving units are to be separated by a 1/4-in. sheet of cellulosic pegboard/hardboard and have 22-in. steel shelves positioned to provide storage surfaces at 7, 30, 54 and 78-in.above the floor. The horizontal space measured between the top of the commodity and the next shelf to be 2.5-in. for the first level and 3.75-in. for the upper two shelves. Standard, cartoned unexpanded Group A plastic commodity as described in the Standard for Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service, ANSI/UL 199 shall be used in the storage arrangements. Ignition is to be initiated at the floor, and offset in the center of the shelf. The igniter is to be constructed from a 3-in. by 6-in. long cellulosic bundle soaked with 8-oz. of gasoline and wrapped in a polyethylene bag. FOR NOMINAL K=16.8 UPRIGHT SPRINKLER: Five large-scale fire tests shall be conducted. A wet pipe automatic sprinkler system shall be positioned below the adjustable height smooth, flat non-combustible ceiling of not less than 100 by 100 ft. The test room for these tests shall have provisions for venting the heat and smoke and for drainage of the sprinkler discharge. The sprinklers shall be supplied through a looped piping system consisting of 2 ½-in. diameter branch lines with a 12 x 8 ft. sprinkler spacing. The piping system shall be supplied by a variable speed pump capable of supplying an adequate pressure and flow to maintain the required applied flowing pressure throughout the course of the test series. A steel racking arrangement with storage as described in shall be positioned with the center of the north main array row positioned between two sprinklers on the same branch line. Flue blockers consisting of 3/8” plywood were positioned between all commodities in the main array and at the rack uprights, but not within the uprights or at the top palletized level. Standard, cartoned unexpanded Group A plastic commodity as described in the Standard for Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service, ANSI/UL 199 shall be used in the storage arrangements. Ignition is to be initiated at the floor, and offset in the center of the shelf. The igniters to be constructed from two 3-in. by 3-in. long cellulosic bundle soaked with 8-oz. of gasoline and wrapped in a polyethylene bag.
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