Outdoor Griddle


Weber-Stephen Products LLC

Verify ID:


Expiration date:

July 27, 2023 - July 26, 2024

Verification Mark

Applicable To:


Marketing Claim Verified by UL Solutions

Heats up to 40% more evenly

Verification Method

Products assessed under this investigation: Sample A: Weber Model G28 with 504 in² griddle and 36,000 BTU/hour rating Sample B: A representative outdoor 547 in² griddle, with 24,000 BTU/hour rating, purchased in the open market in 2023. Test set-up: Gas source is an LPG tank (20-40lb). Testing is done with the production regulator and hose that comes with the griddle. 10 thermocouples are applied to the griddles around the perimeter and center. Temperature Variation Test: Griddles are set to 380°F. Griddles run until temperatures stabilize. Repeat for temperatures of 430°F and 500°F. Griddle is turned off and the average temperature for the last two minutes of operation is calculated.

What is UL Verification?

UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.