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* This information was provided by Qingdao Haier Air Condition Elec Corp Ltd and may contain additional information outside the scope of this Claim Verification.
Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump: Multi type: 2U series, 3U series, 4U series, 5U series; VRF type: AU series, AV series, RFC series; Split type: 1U series, KF series; Heat pump: A series, AW series
Outdoor Unit can resist 27 years of simulated severe corrosion under a salt contaminated traffic environment
Assessed to ISO 21207 “Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres — Accelerated corrosion tests involving alternate exposure to corrosion-promoting gases, neutral salt-spray and drying”, following Test method B for severe industrial or traffic environments. The test duration was five weeks.
UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.