LED Table Lamp, LED Floor Lamp, LED Ceiling Lamp


Huoming Technology (Guangdong) Co., Ltd

Verify ID:


Expiration date:

November 25, 2023 - November 24, 2025

Verification Mark

Applicable To:

HWT-05A01, HWL-06Ultra, HWL-05D01, HWL-02Pro, HWL-02R01, HWX-06B, HWX-06BPro, HWT-05B02, HWT-03A01, HWT-05B03

Marketing Claim Verified by UL Solutions

Color Rendition Rating DIAMOND based on IES TM- 30-20 Fidelity Intent and Low Blue Light

Verification Method

The product is measured according to ANSI/IES LM-79, Approved Method: Optical and Electrical Measurements of Solid-State Lighting Products, and IEC 62471:2006 Ed. 1.0, Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems. The color rendition calculation is based on ANSI/IES TM-30-20, IES Method For Evaluating Light Source Color Rendition. The following criteria is used to rate the performance, and comes from the Fidelity design intent of TM-30-20: Diamond: Rf ≥ 95 Platinum: Rf ≥ 90, Rf,h1 ≥ 90 Gold: Rf ≥ 85, Rf,h1 ≥ 85 The radiance ratio of light in the range 415 nm-455 nm versus a total range of 400 nm-500 nm is graded as follows: Diamond: ≤ 48% Platinum: ≤ 50% Gold: ≤ 52% The spectral difference refers to the difference in radiometric power between the artificial light source and its reference for visual light from 400 nm to 699 nm. Performance is graded as follows: Diamond: 400~419 nm: ≤ 93%, 420~454 nm: ≤ 35%, 455~524 nm: ≤ 20%, 525~569 nm: ≤ 10%, 570~599 nm: ≤ 10%, 600~629 nm: ≤ 15%, 630~699 nm: ≤ 35% Platinum: 400~419 nm: Not required, 420~454 nm: ≤ 65%*/≤ 50%**, 455~524 nm: ≤ 20%, 525~569 nm: ≤ 10%, 570~599 nm: ≤ 10%, 600~629 nm: ≤ 15%, 630~699 nm: ≤ 55% * For CCT 1800K~3500K, ** For CCT 4000K~6500K Gold: Not required Blue light emissions categorized as Clause 6.1.1: Exempt Group, or Clause 6.1.2: Risk Group 1 per IEC 62471:2006 Ed. 1.0, satisfy verification of low blue light performance as follows: Diamond: Exempt Group Platinum: Risk Group 1 Gold: Risk Group 1

What is UL Verification?

UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.