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ThinQ Energy Software version: 5.0.37
ThinQ Energy software verified for enhancing home energy management
The ThinQ Energy software platform was assessed for its ability to: 1) Receive specific information from sensors, appliances and user input, 2) Process these signals to determine calls to action, and 3) Send output signals to specific appliances. ThinQ Energy functions (Solar self-consumption, Energy usage shifting to off-peak hours, Energy shifting – Nudge, Energy shifting - Auto control, and Energy usage reduction) were assessed in relation to the following appliance types: Energy storage system (ESS), Washers/Dryers, EV charging system, HVAC, and Water Heater (and Heat Pump Water Heater). The assessment supports the verification of the platform’s performance and not the performance of any particular appliance connected to the ThinQ Energy platform.
UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.