Robotic Cable Test Process Verification


Lapp Kabel Shanghai Co., Ltd.

Verify ID:


Expiration date:

November 06, 2019 - November 05, 2022

Verification Mark

Process Information

Robotic Cable Test Process Verification

Applicable To:

LAPP Cable Works Shanghai Co., Ltd, No. 6 Standard Workshop, Lingang Industrial Area, No. 1555 Cenglin Road, Pudong District, China

Marketing Claim Verified by UL Solutions

Robotic Cable: Tick-Tock, Torsion and Chain Track Test Process Verified

Verification Method

Verification of factory lab test process or processes including an audit of equipment calibration, testing personnel training records and procedural documents associated with the noted test process or processes.

About the Company

In 1957, Oskar Lapp, founder of the company, developed ÖLFLEX®. Today, about 3,700 employees across 50 companies throughout the world contribute daily to LAPP with their dedication, knowledge and ideas. As a result, the range of products extends from cable, cables accessories, cable handling systems, cable harnessing to industrial connectors, and communication technology. Based on mutually adapted systems, the range of products and services has been continuously extended over the years. LAPP provides a unique product and service portfolio with manufacturing competence. Lapp Kabel Shanghai was first established in 2003. In 2012 a newly renovated 11167 m2 production plant was established in Lingang Industrial Area, which houses a modernized manufacturing plant along with a Research and Development center that is an active participant in the dynamic applications (Continuous Flexing, Torsional, Robotic, etc.).

What is UL Verification?

UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.