LED Downlight


Ningbo Dongxing Electric Co Ltd

Verify ID:


Expiration date:

July 26, 2020 - July 25, 2025

Verification Mark

Applicable To:

DX26450LED9PLW-G1DIM650-%XX*#US, DX26451LED13PLW-G1DIM900-%XX*#US, DX-26498ALED8.5DL3WDIM650-%0US, DX-26497ALED8.5DL3WDIM600-%0US, DX-26481ALED11DL4WDIM850-%0US, DX-26483ALED11DL4WDIM700-%0US, DX-26452ALED24DL6WDIM2000-%0US, DX-26484ALED24DL6WDIM1600-%0US, DX-26453ALED59DL8WDIM5000-%0US, DX-26485ALED59DL8WDIM4000-%0US, DX-26710ALED6PLW-G1DIM420-%XX*#US, DX26552LED9PLW-G1DIM650-%XX*#&&US, DX26500LED13PLW-G1DIM900-%XX*#&&US, DX-26786ALED8PLW-G1DIM600-%XXCUS, DX-26744ALED8PLW-G1DIM600-%XXBCUS, DX-26787ALED12.5PLW-G1DIM1000-%XXCUS, DX-26745ALED12.5PLW-G1DIM1000-%XXBCUS, DX-26757ALED10.5PLW-G1DIM800-%XX#US, DX-26758ALED10.5PLW-G1DIM750-%XXB#US, DX-26759ALED14PLW-G1DIM1200-%XX#US, DX-26760ALED14PLW-G1DIM1150-%XXB#US, DX26923LED12PLW-G1DIM900-%0CUS, DX26922LED12PLW-G1DIM850-%0BCUS, DX-26714A*, DX-26716A*, DX26950LED9PLW-G1DIM650-%XXCUS, DX26951LED13PLW-G1DIM1000-%XXCUS, DX-261048ALED13DL4WDIM-1200-%0*US, DX-261049ALED15DL6WDIM-1500-%0*US, DX-261063LED11PLW-G1DIM900-%0*CUS, DX-261073LED11PLWG1DIM900-%0*CUS, DX-261064LED15PLW-G1DIM1250-%0*CUS, DX-261072LED15PLW-G1DIM1250-%0*CUS, DX-261192ALED9PLW-G1DIM800-90US, DX-261193ALED14PLW-G1DIM1350-90US

Applicable SKUs:
“*” represents different appearances of Frames and diffuser, can be B, B2 or blank. “%” represents different CRI and can be any alphanumeric characters. “#” represents different frame shapes, can be C or S. “&&” represents different CCT and can be any alphanumeric characters.

Marketing Claim Verified by UL Solutions

Low Optical Flicker Less Than 5% Up to 1000 Hz

Verification Method

The LED luminaire has a control gear that can provide dimming. For the purpose of the Low Optical Flicker verification program, the following tests were conducted at the specified dimming levels: 100% Light Output, 20% Light Output and 10% Light Output. The corresponding waveform at each dimming level was captured via oscilloscope coupled to transimpedance amplifier and integrating sphere system.

What is UL Verification?

UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.