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* This information was provided by Lapp Kabel Shanghai Co., Ltd. and may contain additional information outside the scope of this Claim Verification.
LAPP KABEL ÖLFLEX® ROBOT 915 IRS07V-H 450/750V 1.5mm2; LAPP KABEL ÖLFLEX® ROBOT 915 IRS07V-H 450/750V 95mm2
Robotic Cable: Tick-Tock, Torsion, and Chain Track Characteristics Verified
Cables were submitted to a series of mechanical tests indicated in UL RP 5770 as described below. Model: LAPP KABEL ÖLFLEX® ROBOT 915 IRS07V-H 450/750V 1.5mm2 Chain Track: 6 million cycles Tick-Tock: 1 million cycles Torsion: 5 million cycles Model: LAPP KABEL ÖLFLEX® ROBOT 915 IRS07V-H 450/750V 95mm2 Chain Track: 10 million cycles Tick-Tock: 5 million cycles Torsion Test: 5 million cycles
UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.