Verify ID:
Expiration date:
* This information was provided by Walgreens and may contain additional information outside the scope of this Claim Verification.
Applicable SKUs:
Walgreens WIC Numbers: 164387 272393 272396 315625 315695 318379 320226 320232 320237 345655 345669 369938 388078 388081 463735 478968 537603 600614 620233 624753 624812 625014 629149 634541 641230 651519 653871 681195 719170 720632 720728 720740 722438 730274 758686 759826 759830 759832 759834 759836 759840 788184 788203 788208 829592 866196 872647 872682 888821 890356 891735 891798 904101 904102 904381 925835 938477 938479 938524 939506 967494 967978 967986 999795 999858
No heavy metals detected
Products are tested by an independent third party for specific heavy metals using FDA reviewed and approved test methods. Tests are performed on a single lot of the supplement; consequently, we cannot confirm that subsequent lots would pass these tests.¬ Facilities involved in the manufacturing and packaging of the products are assessed for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) to ensure products are consistently produced and controlled to the FDA mandated quality standards appropriate for their intended use. Facility audit documents must be issued within the past year. Products earning the “No heavy metals detected” Verification Mark do not contain lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, inorganic arsenic, and mercury at quantifiable levels and associated manufacturing and packaging facilities comply with FDA mandated Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.