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* This information was provided by Flex Seal Family of Products (Swift Response, LLC) and may contain additional information outside the scope of this Claim Verification.
Flex Paste Flood Protection, Flex Paste Flood Protection & Flex Seal Liquid Flood Protection Combination, Flex Paste Flood Protection & Flex Seal Flood Protection Spray Combination, Flex Paste Flood Protection & Flex Tape Flood Protection Combination, Flex Paste Flood Protection, Flex Tape Flood Protection & Flex Seal Liquid Flood Protection Combination, Flex Seal Flood Protection Spray, Flex Paste Flood Protection & Flex Seal Liquid Flood Protection Combination, Flex Tape Flood Protection & Flex Seal Liquid Flood Protection Combination, Flex Tape Flood Protection & Flex Paste Flood Protection Combination, Flex Tape Flood Protection Butt Joint & Flex Paste Flood Protection Combination
No Water Penetration through 1/2” gaps at depths up to 3 feet, for 14 days
Products were applied to “L” shaped gaps to simulate a corner gap. Each “L” shaped gap had an 18” vertical and a 10” horizontal long gap. ½” gap widths were tested on painted substrates. A fixture capable of holding 36” inches of simulated flood water from the bottom edge of each “L” shaped gap was used for the testing. The testing was conducted for 14 days while monitoring for leaks. All products were applied per the manufacturer’s instructions.
UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.