OLED Module


Samsung Display Co., LTD

Verify ID:


Expiration date:

March 10, 2025 - March 09, 2026

Verification Mark

Applicable To:

OLED10.x, OLED12.x, OLED13.x, OLED14.x, OLED15.x, OLED16.x, OLED17.x, OLED24.x (where x=0 to 9) 

Marketing Claim Verified by UL Solutions

True Bright technology with black 0.0005nit provides 37% - 127% greater perceived brightness than black 0.2nit, based on PCL

Verification Method

PCL (Perceived Contrast Length) assessed per: - SEMI D75 – 0524, Test Method for Color Reproduction and Perceptual Contrast of Display - CIE 248:2022, The CIE 2016 Colour Appearance Model for Colour Management Systems: CIECAM16 Qblack brightness of sample assessed = 0.0005nit Qwhite brightness of sample assessed = Varied across 400-1000nit in 100 nit increments.

What is UL Verification?

UL Verification is an objective, science-based assessment that confirms the accuracy of marketing claims. Our independent assessment process scrutinizes the validity of specific advertising or promotional statements, giving you a way to separate verified fact from fiction.